Post Certified in Firearms, Defensive, Tactics, Driving, Speed Detection and Emergency Management ready to meet your Department needs.

IT Management
Manage, Update, and Maintain Computers, Networks and Laptops. All GCIC Compliant, available 24 hours a day.

Duty Ready Rifles
Duty Ready Rifles, come complete with optic, sights, suppressor, sling, weapon light, case and magazines. Ready to deploy at your Agency.

LEMS software manages training, inventory, FTO reports and major HR functions designed for law enforcement.
News & Information
- Georgia POST Annual Firearms Requalification's Requirements - UPDATEGA POST has updated the requirement for the course of fire for the annual firearms requalification's. The new MINIMUM requirements are as follows: The most notable difference is the elimination of the 25 yard line requirement where peace officers were required to fire 4 rounds while using cover. These four rounds can now be folded… Read more: Georgia POST Annual Firearms Requalification's Requirements - UPDATE
- Georgia School Safety Specialist CertificationWe have created Georgia’s very first certification course as a School Safety Specialist. This course is Georgia POST certified for 40 hours of training. School safety is much more than an active shooter training. We teach the bigger picture of school safety. Attendees learn how to identify safety issues on campus and how to recognize… Read more: Georgia School Safety Specialist Certification
- Updated Georgia Basic Peace Officer MandateOn June 11, 2024 The Georgia Peace Officer Standards and Training Council (GA POST) voted to increase the minimum training requirements to become a certified peace officer in Georgia. This will increase the previous 408 hours of training to 810 hours (maximum). The new hours will provide for other training previously not included in the… Read more: Updated Georgia Basic Peace Officer Mandate
- Department NFA to Officer NFAPURPOSE: When an NFA item is transferred to a LE Department and the Officer wishes to transfer the NFA item to them personally this is the process that needs to be followed. Sample letter requesting the expediting on the Form 4. Needs to be printed off on Department letterhead, signed by a supervisor and a… Read more: Department NFA to Officer NFA
- Why do my Officer's need suppressors?I get this question a lot when showing off our "Duty Ready" rifles. CLEO's hit me with "I don't know why my Officer's need a suppressor". The answer is simple. It's called noise-induced hearing loss or NIHL. Imagine we are responding to an active shooter in a school. Both Officers are equipped with rifles and… Read more: Why do my Officer's need suppressors?