"The best thing I did as a new Chief is ask for help.."
Francisco Sanchez
Chief of Police Willacoochee Police Department
LEMS has created a network of law enforcement administrators that are willing to provide advice and direction to new Chief's and Sheriff's.
Evidence Room / Storage and Record Keeping
New Administrators in many cases inherit a slew of issues with miss managed evidence. We come in and create a digital copy of all the evidence in a format that will allow you to research the items, and get them to the DA for destruction or department use and out of your evidence room. We will help to create policies and procedures to ensure your evidence room stays in order.

Personal / Retention / Credentials and Training / Discipline
Find quality individuals. Learn how to retain them.
Grants / Funding
There are many ways to fund projects. New computers, weapon lights, ballistic vest even new firearms.
Policy, Policy, Policy
Write, review, and amend and repeat... If you don't have a policy then your Agency is at risk!